Meet Thomas McRae, Poet and Author of Lyrical Revelations

Thomas McRae

Last month I had the pleasure of reading Lyrical Revelations and this month I had the honor of speaking with the author, Thomas Mcrae. We chatted about his book, career, inspirations, and many other things I’m sure you’ll find interesting so please, dive in.

Seph: Good evening, Thomas. How are you doing?

Thomas: Everything is good I am blessed and highly favoured what about yourself?

Seph: I am okay, thanks for asking. If you don’t mind, I’d like to jump into it and discuss your book, “Lyrical Revelations”.  How long did it take you to write it and what was your experience writing and then publishing the book?

Thomas: Truth be told it didn’t take me that long to write the book, it was more of a process waiting for my associate Jessica Starks who was helping me with punctuation and grammar. After that, she set me up with Ingramspark who helped me publish Lyrical Revelations and now here we are doing an interview and spreading the word about my poetic masterpiece. By the way, thank you for having me on your blog and for your review it is deeply appreciated.

S: It was my pleasure truly. Reading the book made me curious about the inspiration behind it. I know you said it didn’t take that long to write but can you tell me what birthed it? What led or prompted you to create your poetic masterpiece? What were the first poems that made you think “Oh I need to build on this”. 

T: The truth is I haven’t written anything in quite some time I had a lot of stuff going on, regarding family, my work environment, and just trying to figure out my life and its direction in general. I was also in the process of moving while trying to buy my first Co-op apartment and that was very stressful and time-consuming. Eventually, the stress got to the point I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated and it didn’t help that my former partner at my past work location was magnifying the stress with his stupidity, irresponsibility, and recklessness and those weren’t even his worst qualities. So as a result I started back writing to escape from my mental and emotional pain and as I continued to write I continued to build more motivation and confidence. Long story short poetry used to give me a purpose when I was younger but lately, it kept me alive.

S: That’s very profound. I’ve always enjoyed poetry as a means of self-expression and a path for escapism, it is why I was able to relate with some of the poems in Lyrical Revelations. Can you tell me more about the over-arching themes in the book and how pivotal they were in expressing your thoughts and feelings at the time?

T: To me, poetry is a craftsmanship and a way to connect with others and yourself. My poetry is inspired by personal experiences and life events, but not all facts. When I say that I mean some of it is based on other people’s lives and perspectives but usually it evolves around my point of view and experiences. Music plays a big part in my writing as well because it helps with my creative flow and sometimes starts me off with a solid blueprint.

S: If you were to make a playlist of songs that helped with your creative flow, what three songs would definitely be on the playlist?

T: DMX pretty much every album, 2pac and Nas every album. AZ, Mo’s Def, Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton, Brandy, Monica and Tamia. Oh Amerie some Jay Z, all the Lox, Ja Rule, Michael Jackson Patti LaBelle Diana Ross The Temptations Smokey Robinson last but not least Cam’ron and Ma$e. Taylor Swift, LeAnn Rimes, Miley Cyrus Rita Ora and Iggy Azalea. Haha. I’m sorry I couldn’t put just three there’s so much different music that inspires my writing.

S: That’s perfectly okay. You have added more songs for me to gladly check out. Back to your book, one thing that will be noticed about your poems is the brevity. Was that intentional, making most of the poems as short as they were?

T: They were designed that way because once I get into a rhythm I tend to keep writing until I either can’t or I feel I don’t have much else to say and I don’t want to over-stretch my poetic lyrical composition.

S: I like how you refer to your “poetic lyrical composition”.  It sounded like you have a winning formula you don’t like to mess with.  Unlike most poets, you’ve gone the extra mile to have dedicated merch and products about your book, can you tell us more and maybe even share your vision about them with us?

T: Bottom line the merchandise is more of an expansion of who I become and who I’m trying to be. I don’t want to just put poetry on a book I want to put on shirts, Mugs, glassware, plates, plaques and anything else I can possibly get it on.

It comes at a time in everyone’s life where you have to reinvent yourself and this is my moment and it has become my time.

I’m currently working on custom-made poetry coffee mugs which I’m hoping I can get into potential cafes, independent bookstores, and maybe even gift shops I’m even shooting for Michaels’s craft store and other independent craft stores. Restaurants and diners included. At this point anything is possible and everything is on the table I’m willing to talk to anybody and have a productive negotiation.

S: I like the ambition and I am rooting for you. Hopefully, someone sees this and reaches out to you with a fruitful proposal. 

T: Thank you I appreciate it I’m always trying to be optimistic, but when push comes to shove I have plenty of merchandise for a tax write-off. So that’ll go a long way with my Co-op for giving me a sizable reduction and income return refund.

S: That’s another angle. Correct me if I’m wrong, Thomas, but you’ve published 8 books so far? Poetry for The Soul, The Soul of A Poet, The Lost Poems, Street Trash, Pimp in The Pulpit 1 & 2, Fatal Impact, and Lyrical Revelations. Can you tell us a little about these books?

T: Those are just the books that were sold online I published several others I did kind of like Underground at the time. I had no idea what I was doing I was just a kid, who had all these dreams and ambitions but didn’t have no real direction and didn’t do a fraction of the research I’ve done now. My excitement passion and ego clouded my judgment and I made several mistakes along the way. But as you get older you get more mature and you tend to get more serious about life in general which is always the case. But the short version is yes I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve done quite a bit. 😆 😆 I can see you’ve been doing your homework, most interviews don’t be as thorough as this.

S: Ah yes, for me to attempt to shine the spotlight on you, I try to have an idea of who you are. It’s impressive to see you’ve been doing this for a long time. Since 2009, if I’m not mistaken. 

T: Yes this is true in regards to me publishing books, but as far as writing I’ve been doing it since a kid. I have to admit you are very thorough most interviewers will just send me pre-written questions and for me to pick my favourites. This is a very refreshing change of pace for me. 2009 I published my first book poetry for the Soul which is still available online on several websites. Every poem from every book was inspired by experiences usually mine or someone else’s close to me. But as time went on the flow and creative content began to have a more stronger and blunt and really direct sense of direction. I’ve written love poems, political poems, spiritual poems, about death and personal poems. I’ve also tried to get my poetry into greeting card companies which is another market I’m interested in even to this day. Most greeting card companies have their own writers but I’ll keep knocking on different doors and see what happens all you can do is ask it only takes one person to say yes.

S: I’m truly delighted that you’re enjoying this chat as much as I am. It’s intriguing how I might be interested in reading your first book now and maybe some of your other books if you’re interested in Acers Poetry and doing a deep dive into the works of Thomas McRae to get a sense of your poetic development over the years. 

T: Hey, listen like I said before I’m open to everything and anything as long as it’s positive and counterproductive. I’m in a much better headspace because I’m in a better working environment with a better class of people. One thing I can say you should always believe in God because even when you think he’s not listening, he’s always there and waiting to help you when you need it the most. That’s why I want to take this time to acknowledge my Holy Father and his son Jesus Christ. I also want to take the time to acknowledge my mother Sylvia Annette McRae plus my father Marshall Edward McRae Senior.

I also want to thank and acknowledge all my supporters and true friends yourself included I even want to thank my haters because without them I wouldn’t be motivated and inspired to keep trying to be better and stronger.

S: Well said. Moving from your previous books, do you have a new project you’re working on?

T: Eber and Wein Publishing is one of the last publishers I work with who I’m quite fond of. I’m currently working on another poetry book which I plan on releasing with them. I can’t give you a date because the material is still in the works plus I’m very motivated in promoting lyrical Revelations at the moment. So most likely 6 months till the end of this year I have more updated information for you.

S: That’s understandable, in the meantime, could you share an exclusive from the book you’re working on to give us something to look forward to, a sliver of what’s to come?

T: The next poetry is going to be identical to Lyrical Revelations but the poetry will have a more melody-smooth edge. Love poems mostly, some political and maybe I’ll try some new material. Overall you guys will be satisfied I promise especially the ladies.

S: 😂😂okay. Thank you for that. I hope to receive an Advance Reader Copy to review when it’s ready as I’m now invested in your growth as a poet. 

T: Oh, of course as soon it’s ready I’ll send you 

S: Alright then, Thomas! I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today. Is there anything you’d like to add as we wrap this up?

T: Yes Lyrical Revelations is online and it’s only $7.50 in all online retail stores. It’s a good short read and I promise it won’t disappoint you. Thank you again for your time and thank you to all your followers I appreciate you all very much.

Lyrical Revelations of Amazon

S: Thank you so much, Thomas. Have a good night. 

There you have it folks, the man behind Lyrical Revelations. Thomas has a lot more to showcase but as we wait for his next project, I’ll implore you to pick up Lyrical Revelations if you haven’t and also check out some, if not all of his previous books available online. I know I will.

By Joseph Awujoola

Joseph Awujoola (Seph the Ace) is a contemporary poet and author of four poetry books. He was shortlisted for the Young Poet of The Year 2019 at the Y.W.C.A and his poetry has been featured on several literary platforms including African Writers, Creative Writers Magazine and a few others.

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